20 Apr 2023 Share on X Share on Facebook Tattersalls Online Announce Innovative New Online Breeze Up Session at Dundalk Tattersalls Online will host the inaugural Online Breeze Up Session at Dundalk Tattersalls Online have announced that they will host a breeze up session at Dundalk Racecourse on Friday the 19th of May with the two-year-olds then to be offered at the Tattersalls Online June Sale which takes place on 7 – 8 June. The 19th May breeze session at Dundalk will be available for unraced two-year-olds and will provide an opportunity for entries to gallop on the all-weather track in similar fashion to the conventional breeze up sales. Vendors will be able to breeze their two-year-olds over a distance of their choice at Dundalk and Tattersalls Online will arrange for each lot to be filmed. The breeze footage will then be uploaded to the Tattersalls Online website two weeks prior to the June Online Sale. Similar options will also be provided on request for entries based in the United Kingdom. All lots will be catalogued with their vendor contact details made available on the Tattersalls Online website providing potential buyers the opportunity to inspect any lot entered prior to the sale taking place. Spectators will also be welcome to attend the breeze session at Dundalk on the 19th of May. Lots will be offered as horses in training under the Tattersalls Online conditions of sale with a pre-sale veterinary certificate and subject to re-examination. The Online Breeze Session will form part of the Tattersalls Online June Sale which is also open to all other entry types. Entries can be made through the Tattersalls Online website and all enquiries regarding the sale can be made to the Tattersalls Online team. Tattersalls Chairman Edmond Mahony commented on the new initiative: “We are delighted to offer this innovative and cost-effective opportunity to Breeze Up consignors to showcase their horses on the Tattersalls Online platform. We are constantly exploring ways to provide new innovative options for vendors and purchasers alike and we believe that Tattersalls Online will provide an excellent alternative for those wishing to showcase their breeze-up two-year-olds. The Tattersalls Online sales have already captured the attention of domestic and international buyers, and we anticipate that the benefits of selling online as well as the opportunity to use the facilities at Dundalk will be an attractive option for vendors.”